

For information about how to apply for a place at Burhill Primary School, please see Surrey County Council's website:

Visit Surrey County Council's websiteDownload admissions arrangements to comply with statutory class size limits

In-year Admissions Applications

If you would like to apply for a place at Burhill Primary School mid-year or after the standard admissions process has finished, please contact Surrey Admissions who are responsible for the admissions for all Surrey Controlled Primary Schools.  You can do this by visiting their website at School admissions - Surrey County Council ( or by telephoning them on 0300 200 1004 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays).  

A copy of our Supplementary Information Form is listed below if required.

Admission into Burhill Nursery

If you would like to apply for a place at Burhill Nursery, you can do so by downloading the application form below. (You can also collect a paper copy from the school office.) You will need to post the application form to us, or hand it in at the school office.   You will be asked to provide originals of your child's birth certificate, a current council tax bill and a recent (not more than 3 months old) utility bill at the same time. 


We follow the same criteria as Surrey County Council Admissions.  This is as follows:

  • Firstly, we offer to children with exceptional arrangements/special needs
  • Secondly, to children who will have siblings attending the school UPON ENTRY to the Nursery
  • Thirdly to children of staff at the school
  • Fourthly, to children for whom the school is the nearest (the distance will be measured by a straight line from the address point of the pupil’s house, as set by Ordanance Survey to the front gate of the school)
  • Finally, any other applicants (based on distance of the school to the home address)

Before our Admissions Officer can offer a Nursery place at Burhill, we need to be informed by Surrey County Council of the children coming into our Reception year.  Once we have this information we will know the Nursery sibling places we can offer.  Surrey County Council’s notification does not take place until the middle of April each year, therefore we cannot send out our Nursery offer letters until late April each year, at the earliest.

From September 2018 we have offered some full time (30 hours) and some part time (15 hours) places in Nursery. We will send you a letter if we can offer you a place. There will be a deadline to return an acceptance or to decline an offer.  If declines are received, further letters offering those places to the next eligible children are sent out.  This process will continue until all places are filled.  Letters to all other applicants informing them that they have been unsuccessful in securing a Nursery place, and offering them the opportunity to be placed on a waiting list, will then be sent out.  Those letters should be sent out by the end of the summer term.  When offering places from the waiting list, we will apply the same criteria as above, i.e., exceptional arrangements/special needs; sibling in the school upon entry to Nursery; children of staff; distance from the school.

N.B.- if parents are unable to get a 30 hours eligibility code before the deadline for applications, please go ahead and apply anyway, making a note on the application form that you will provide us with a code as soon as you are able.

Please note that if your child is offered a place in our Nursery, and you accept, this does not automatically guarantee you a place at the school.  Likewise, if you are not offered a place in our Nursery, or you are unable to accept a place offered, this does not in any way have a negative impact on your application for the school. 

Please note that all admissions to the primary school are administered by Surrey County Council.



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