
Voice Education Trust & Financial Information

We are part of the Voice Education Trust - a group of schools who formed a Trust back in 2009.

Other schools in the Trust are The Orchard School and Chandlers Field Primary School - both local to the area.

Each school in the Trust has two Trust governors, who sit on the Voice Education Trust Board. Also on the board are the headteachers from each of the schools, who are in turn directors of the Trust.

Currently, our Voice Education Trust governors are Mrs Elisabeth Carson and Mrs Rhian Nunan.

Our Values – Our Core Purpose

  1. Each school in the VET wants the same thing for every child in their school.
  2. We passionately believe in the development of the whole child through nurture, and know this is the most effective route to excellent outcomes for each child.

We want every child to be ambitious, happy, safe, curious, outward facing, optimistic- and to learn without limits.

What do our children gain from being within the VET?

  • Staff share training - maximising good practice
  • Cross moderation is embedded, helping raise standards
  • Staff share expertise-supporting each other through new developments in curriculum and assessment, building local networks of shared expertise
  • Children are offered broader cultural and sporting opportunities- shared events making good use of economies of scale
  • Children join with other local groups to develop a stronger sense of community- growing the skills needed to become active tolerant and useful local citizens of the future

Financial Information

We are required to publish: 

  1. How many school employees (if any) have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000.  Note, no staff have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more currently. 
  2. The following link which is dedicated to Burhill Primary School on the Schools Financial Benchmarking service:
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